Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I don't like teenagers

I went to Matt and Ruth's wedding (nice do) on the weekend. At about 10.30pm, the wine was flowing and people were in a good mood. Unfortunately, I had to leave as the mothership had arrived to pick me up. I went to get my bag, and do to so had to climb around two teens sitting close on a step looking like they'd love to be more intimate but were constrained by guests and their official roles as bar keep and waitress.

As I climbed over them, I said 'Excuse me, canoodlers, I have to get my bag.'
As I climbed back past, the teenage boy decided it was high time he showed his smarts and masculinity, and said 'That's not even a real word. Haven't you heard of the Oxford dictionary?'
Cue tittering from the teenage girl and smirking from the boy.

It was like like I was Marty McFly in Back to the Future and someone had called me chicken. He pulled out Oxford! I saw red. Fueled by at least half a bottle of champagne, I turned around and stalked back to them (stalking was easy, it was a lawn and I was wearing pointy heeled shoes).

I said 'Young man, I am an EDITOR. And it is too a word.' (Slightly childish response there, considering canoodlers is not a work, but fucking teenagers need to be put in their place.)

He said 'Harrumph, sheesh.'
The girl said 'I told you it was a word'.

I sailed off over the lawn on the high seas of smugness.