Wednesday, July 23, 2008


The joys of checking proofs where almost everyone has a Scandavian name and the author has made his revisions in a hurry so I have to translate his handwriting and there are difficult letters such as j next to letters I'm not used to, like, say, d. I cannot guarantee this book will be error-free. In fact, it won't be. But I won't be able to see them because they're in a different language. Won't be as bad as the cover we had to redo (not my error, so hilarious, really) that had Terroism written on it.

But my cold has mostly gone - leaving me with a dodgy nose that generously keeps producing nasal waste at a decent pace and a semi-phlegmy-ish voice if I don't talk for ages, which often means that I answer my work phone with a splutter. It's not husky good - it's husky bad.

Whine of the day. Adult acne. Not fair. When will it go away? Ranty rant rant. Might be time to kick up a fuss and have a tantrum, complete with arms a'flailing and legs a'kicking.


Nat said...

I misselt the word doctor in my thesis...

Nat said...

and there is no 'p' on my keyboard. I swear. p

Penelope said...

Nat, how many times do I have to tell you that women don't want a man who can spell 'doctor'. They want a man who looks good in a white blancmange of a ball dress.