Sunday, August 12, 2007

Making Kruse cry

Definitely not a plane trip to write home about. Personal television thingy refused to work after 90 minutes, as did light so spent most of trip trying very hard not to listen to the ladies beside me. They were full of useful tips. You should always take plenty of tissues. They had a very long conversation about the fact that they had both bought 12-packs, not six, because that's the mistake that amateurs always make. I am an amateur.
After ten reasonably long hours I was met by Kruse, who seemed to have tears in his eyes. Could not work out if this was because I had finally arrived to share his adventures, or curtail them. He's trying to claim it was the smog. Went to the hostel - is a very nice place. We ate some, drank some, slept some. Repeated and rinsed the next day. Today, however, we went all intellectual and visited a museum of pre-Colombian art. Would wax lyrical but cannot be bothered. Catching bus tonight to lower part of Chile. Where there are lakes! Never seen one of those up close before.
Had heaps more to write about but put in diary, which is in bag, which is locked away in a cupboard, so you can assume that this could have been a much more interesting tale if only ...

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