Thursday, August 9, 2007

Harry Potter is to blame for most of my problems

Am rather tired today. At about 11.15pm last night I was lured, using a technique too cunning to describe here, into starting the last Harry Potter. At 2.45am I finished and tried to sleep, but was thwarted by dementors and Voldemort and jealousy of what my chums in Australia would be doing at Cherry without me.

Have also not packed but I don't think that's so important as the plane to Chile doesn't go for 6.5 hours.

Melbourne was rather nifty. I learnt to dance like a t-rex, demonstrated that, yes, I really do have a sad and pathetic bladder that will make travelling hilarious when I demand comfort stops every 30 minutes, and there was some other stuff that might not translate so well and it is probably enough to say that 'pink or brown' is a universal question that goes far beyond Trivial Pursuit.

I might go and put a bra on now. And then begin the laborious process of deciding whether or not I really need a pair of pink heels on Easter Island.

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