Friday, September 3, 2010

Naming and shaking

I had a dream this morning that I was dating former wrestler turned actor Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson but had to break up with him because I loathe the name Dwayne. (This seems fair, no?) I was trying to ask if he had a better middle name. But then my dad discovered both a diamond mine and a Lego mine in the garden, so all my attention was taken up on that. A Lego mine – how awesomely hilarious would that be.

Christchurch = earthquake central. Somehow I thought Wellington would have gotten a big shake up first. Mother Nature, oooh she's a cunning one. So predictable with her winter/summer/spring/autumn games and then she tries to mix it up a little with ridiculous results. I, for one, shall be writing a letter of complaint.


Determinist said...

Hahaha... nice. Love the Dwayne story. I can just see the conversation:

Pen: "Can't you just use 'The Rock' or maybe your middle name?"

Dwayne: "But my middle name is Don. Do you really want to be dating 'Don Johnson'?"

Pen: Good point. Sorry Dwayne, I guess that's the end.

Penelope said...

His middle name is Douglas. I just think that maybe it wasn't meant to be between me and Dwayne 'The Rock' Douglas Johnson.

What era Don Johnson?

Determinist said...

Ah... I should have thought to look up his middle name. Douglas Johnson... does that do anything for you?

Don Johnson - does it really matter what era if he looks like The Rock?

Penelope said...

Don Johnson in Miami Vice was completely doable.

Douglas isn't much of a knicker-dropper kind of name in my world. However, I am willing to be proved wrong.

Nat said...

What if he called himself 'ug for short?

Penelope said...

Hmm. No.