Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Size is everything

Another thing people don't talk about very much and I feel is definitely terribly important and possibly even the answer to world peace, is the difficulty of having one breast that is slightly, or sometimes not slightly, more like hugely, larger than the other. This cannot only be an issue for women, surely? I realise men have eensy teensy boobies in comparison to the ladies but even on this small scale I suspect mammorific injustice rears its head like an unwelcome steak at a vegan barbecue.

Is it an issue? Am I just making DDs out of A cups? Possibly. I mean, no one ever talks about it so perhaps it's all in my head. Except that with my lack of social graces I have had this conversation with other women and I know this problem is out there. Now is the time, sisters, to stand up and say with pride 'I have different sized breasts'.

Bra shopping can be enough of an issue without the added pressure of knowing it's only going to make one breast happy. Bra shopping is not quite on the same scale as the horror of jeans shopping, for which I have long suspected they give the most sadistic salespeople extra training for, but trying to find a decent bra that fits is a right old bitch anyway.

Interestingly, the women who I've spoken to on this issue say that men never notice.

Other stuff. Work goes well. My headlines improve but I'm still not getting 100% success. Did manage to get a Treemendous in today's paper though, and I'm pretty darn proud of how awful that is.

I attempted to go jeans shopping a few weeks ago. Whilst I have finally managed to squeeze myself and my differently sized hips into my old ones, they're on their last legs (see what I did there? I need help) so new ones are on the cards. So I went shopping for denim. And came home with a cocktail dress. Which I do not need. Yesterday I went swimsuit shopping. And came home with shorts. As you do. And it's raining today so this whole 'summer' thing is not working. Although I do have my first round of sunburned cleavage going so I have high hopes that actual summer, not this faux summer, is lurking nearby.

I am pleased to see, though, that you can buy bikini tops and bottoms separately. If only you could buy bra cups separately . . .


Morgan said...

Do you think men don't notice, or just don't know how we will react if they say anything? Suffocation by the larger of the two?
I for one am happy to admit I'm in this (tilting) boat. They're never happy in the same bra, either one is swimming or the other is trying to escape.

Penelope said...

I just asked a manfolk speciman and he says he's never noticed. Perhaps the excitement of getting one's grubby hands on some lovely lady lumps is too much and nothing else can filter through. More research is required here, obviously.

habit said...

I've never noticed but nine times out of ten I think this has a lot to be with the fact I am inadvertently mezmerised by them so why would I notice?

That said...

<goes and checks>

I think my left is slightly bigger/droopier than my right but as you mentioned, men are smaller though so the actual telling is difficult.

Happy to do some research... not sure how happy to women I ask will be.

a said...

I have never noticed. I probably don't have the largest sample size, but still, it's a data point.

I remember being told by a friend that his girlfriend's were perfectly symmetrical which was incredible. I can't say I was too excited about that.

Yes, I'm generally well pleased with situations when they're available and non symmetricality isn't high on my list of concerns.

Penelope said...

I brought this up at the pub, as you do, and was informed that men have different sized testicles, so all's fair. I don't think buying man panties is as much of an issue here, though, compared to purchasing pricey bras that only fit one breast.