Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bend me, shape me

Nothing says 'I am a sophisticated 32-year-old woman and you should definitely respect me' like me fixing the broken zipper on my skirt with a bulldog clip.

In other news I attempted hot yoga. Yoga and I have a chequered past, mostly because I either suck at it (possibly true) or the teachers have been useless (probably less true). Hot yoga is somewhat more painfully enjoyable. I'm still not very good at large chunks of it, but boy can I touch my toes with enthusiasm.

Which brings me to my next point - is there some sort of flatulence etiquette in yoga?

Thursday, August 19, 2010


It’s Friday! Let’s have a list.

Things I have learned the hard way this week:

Buying very pricey stockings doesn’t make them any less immune to runs and holes.

You can get chocolate hangovers.

If you don’t feed Karen’s cat, it gets quite antsy and will stick its claw in your eye at 5am.

If you have dinner with a Finn and they open a new bottle of vodka, you may not leave the table until said bottle is empty.

Where the Coke machine is at work. I didn’t need to know this until this morning when I felt somewhat less than ideal after dining with a Finn last night. And then the need to know was very urgent indeed.

Monday, August 16, 2010

I am the walrus

Maybe Turkish delight for breakfast followed by a great many sultanas was not such a spiffy idea. You can't see me but I'm slumping and feeling more than just a little bit ill. Who would have thought sultanas had the potential to create such havoc in my belly?

This follows on from me eating possibly the equvialent of merely my left leg in cheese on the weekend. It was Karen's fault. Every time I hang with that woman, I leave with a distended stomach. And she remains as svelte and pixie like as a ... well, a pixie. Hateful little forest dwellers.

Will, Sarah and Tim graced me with their presence - there was a trip to the Hunter Valley, where Will proved he knows his onions in regards to wine, and I proved to have the worst adjective of the day when it came to describing wine. Beige. That's right, wine can be beige.

Must be time for a list - we all love lists.

Things I had thought to get this year:
A better laugh

I have failed in achieving the above. I am now scarred on both the inside and out after the running = falling over and getting hurties on my kneesies so exercise is obviously going to be shunned forever now. And the laugh - I was thinking a ladylike trill would be nice. But no. I still have a distinctly unladylike cackle.

New flatmate's catch phrase: 'I'm heading out to get my creep on'. You go, Anton. You go. Better or worse than old flatmate's 'I'm heading out on a cock hunt - you want to join'? You be the judge.