Monday, July 4, 2011

Won't someone think of the children

Ways to make volunteers for Save the Children laugh in disbelief: When they ask 'Do you like children', the correct answer is 'definitely not'.

A small child had tried to run me over on the pavement moments earlier and I was feeling less than maternal. However, I very much dislike charity volunteers who cannot be content with collecting in a bucket. I will give money to a bucket. I don't to the ones where I have to sign up out of guilt and bullying. It's not that I think the charities don't need more money, it's that I really don't like being bullied into anything and I find an encounter with such volunteers usually ends with me feeling less than charitable.

Basically I'm a capitalist bitch and I need all my dosh to buy more materialistic items I don't actually need.

I gave blood yesterday though so I think I've redeemed myself in my own eyes. Because I dislike giving blood a great deal. Needles! They're for sewing, not sticking in flesh.

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